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Sharded Cluster Config Server Administration

Replace a Config Server
Replace a config server in a config server replica set.
Upgrade Config Servers to Replica Set
Perform a rolling upgrade a mirrored config server deployment to a replica set. MongoDB 3.2+ only.
Upgrade Config Servers to Replica Set (Downtime)
Upgrade a mirrored config server deployment to a replica set. MongoDB 3.2+ only.
Migrate Config Servers with the Same Hostname
For a sharded cluster with three mirrored config servers, migrate a config server to a new system while keeping the same hostname. This procedure requires changing the DNS entry to point to the new system.
Migrate Config Servers with Different Hostnames
For a sharded cluster with three mirrored config servers, migrate a config server to a new system that uses a new hostname. If possible, avoid changing the hostname and instead use the Migrate Config Servers with the Same Hostname procedure.